They will recommend spending billions educating kids, punishing drunks and remodeling street signs. Listening to them, that you can momentarily start to think that it is less complicated to manage 100 million drivers than a handful of manufacturers. They show movies about guardrail design and recommend case study solution clear slicing of trees 100 feet back from every toll road in case study solution nation. If a car is unsafe, they argue, it is as a result of its owner doesnt properly drive it. Or, in all probability, hold it. In light of an annual death rate drawing near 50,000, they’re forced to confess that riding is hazardous. 6 Your article will not be be too short. Certainly, it’s possible to put in writing a good article full of useful advice using a couple of hundred words. If your article is too short, however, some site owners may feel hesitant to reprint it on their sites. They may, as an alternative, borrow your ideas and write their own article, gaining authorship without having to provide you with credit on your ideas. How long should your article be?I imply at least 800 words, preferably longer. Longer articles give webmasters case study answer effect that you’ve put some concept and energy into your work and, thus, are deserving of publicity on their sites.