But who doesn’t be relieved if he would know case study answer explanation why humans every now and then behave as they do?Especially in case study solution field of tourism, a domain of excessive human interplay, where offering services is case study answer core activity of most agencies, it’d be quite beneficial to expect how expertise customers or enterprise partners do react; or if case study solution extensive marketing spending has case study answer desired impact. Consequently, this work makes a speciality of case study answer topic of human motivation, tremendously on case study answer motivation of travelling behaviour, drawing awareness to a field it really is as diverse as case study solution ways it is approached. Tourism researchers customarily check with a longtime set of theories and models to explain encouraged behaviour, of which Maslows Hierarchy of Needs probably is case study solution most famend. But in view that its year of publication, it is impressive that there is no based modern method to behavioural research. Accordingly, case study solution goal of this work is to broaden a theoretical model referring to case study answer variety of amusement travel facets to as few as feasible underlying motivations, being guilty for thriving one of case study solution largest business sectors of case study answer world. Research was conducted by undertaking extensive interviews in case study solution context of grounded theory methodologies, investigating case study solution travel behaviour, reports and causes of a small sample, detecting relations and dependencies, and drawing according conclusions.