It has not changed much since its creation in 1908. The logo is a visualization of case study solution company’s slogan, A Crown for Every Achievement. When Starbucks opened in 1971, case study answer founders went in quest of suggestion for his or her logo. The stumbled on a 16th century Norse woodcut featuring a bare chested two tailed mermaid. This siren with an problematic crown and tail became case study solution logo. In 1987, clothier Terry Heckler turned it into case study solution demure, smiling mermaid with an easy crown and tails. 6 billion Number of employees: 255,00073. Alan Schnitzer Most recent annual repayment: $14. 6 million Company: Travelers Cos. Revenue: $28. 9 billion Number of personnel: 30,80072. Steven Kandarian Most recent annual compensation: $14. e case study answer Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 was constructed as a reaction to case study solution multitude of accounting scandals that were tormenting American companies, such case study solution UETA gives legal cognizance to electronic information, digital signatures, and electronic contracts. The UETA adds that a contract cannot be denied enforceability solely because it is in electronic form, or because an digital form was utilized in its formation. If case study solution law requires a written record, an digital record satisfies case study answer law. Furthermore, an digital signature satisfies legal requirements for a signature. An electronic record or digital signature is brought on by a person if it was case study solution act of case study answer person. An act of a person could be shown in any manner, adding an illustration of case study answer efficacy of case study solution protection procedures utilized to examine to whom case study answer signature or record was attributable.